The Technical Guy

a Blog about Technology

Hans-Petter Halvorsen

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Python Programming

Published 2024.10.08 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation

Python has become a popular programming language, and it is one of the most used programming languages today. Python is a mult-purpose programming languages (due to its many extensions), examples are scientific computing and calculations, simulations, web development, Internet of Things (IoT), Artifical Intelligence (AI), etc.

Here you find some resources that gives an overview of the fundamentals within Python:

Introduction to Python (YouTube)

Basic Python Programming (YouTube)


Below you find more Python resources within different topics like:

All the resources mentioned above can be found in Python Programming resources, including Videos, Textbooks, Tutorials, Code Examples and Exercises, etc.




MATLAB for Students

Published 2024.08.12 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

In this MATLAB course you will learn basic MATLAB and how to use MATLAB in Mathematics, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications. An introduction to Simulink and other Tools will also be given. MATLAB is a tool for technical computing, computation and visualization in an integrated environment. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory, so it is well suited for matrix manipulation and problem solving related to Linear Algebra, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications, etc.

The main goal with this introductory course:

  1. To give a Practical Introduction to basic Programming and Simulation. 
  2. Learn to apply basic Math and Physics knowledge
  3. To learn to use the MATLAB software within these Applications. MATLAB is very easy to learn and use compared to similar tools, so it is a good tool to start with for inexperienced users. When you have learned MATLAB, you may easily switch to similar programs.

The course is based on Flipped Classroom and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) principles. You follow videos, examples and doing practical exercises in your own pace.

Course Web Site - Her you find information and course manuals.



Master of Science in IT and Automation

Published 2024.02.28 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation

Do you want to study to become a Master of Science within IT and Automation at USN? Here you will learn about Digitalization, Data Communication and IT Systems, Software Engineering, Artifical Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Microcontrollers, Database Systems, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security and Automation.


You have 3 different options: (1) You can study full-time on campus, (2) part-time studies online or (3) be employed in a company (Industry Master) where you study part-time and work within a company at the same time.

Here you find a detailed overview of the IT and Automation study in English.

Here you find a detailed overview of the IT and Automation study in Norwegian.




LabVIEW DAQ and I/O Modules

Published 2024.02.08 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation

Data Acquisition (DAQ) is the process of collection data from different sensors into a computer. A DAQ System consists of 4 parts: Physical input/output signals, sensors, DAQ device/hardware, driver software and your software application (Application software).

LabVIEW is a graphical programming language, and it has powerful features for simulation, control and DAQ applications.



LabVIEW DAQ and I/O Modules (Website) - Here your will learn the fundamentals how to use DAQ and I/O Modules in LabVIEW.




LabVIEW Fundamentals

Published 2024.01.24 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT

Do you want to learn LabVIEW Programming?

LabVIEW is a graphical programming language, and it has powerful features for simulation, control and DAQ applications. LabVIEW is developed by NI/Emerson. They have Professional paid versions or a free Community version for personal, non-commercial, non-academic and non-industrial purposes.

LabVIEW Fundamentals (Website) - Here your will learn the fundamental parts of the LabVIEW programming language.

LabVIEW Fundamentals (YouTube Playlist) - This video series introduces all the key concepts and fundamental parts in LabVIEW.




Plotting Data in Windows Forms Applications

Published 2023.11.09 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT

Do you need to Plot your Data in your Windows Forms Application?

Plotting Data in Windows Forms is something you often want to do. The built-in Chart Control for Windows Forms is no longer supported by Microsoft in the latest .NET versions. So, we need to find and use alternative solutions. Many third-party Chart Tools exist. Most of these are commercial and costs money while others are free. This Tutorial will use ScottPlot, which is a free and open-source plotting library for .NET.

ScottPlot Tutorial




Visual Studio/C# and DAQ

Published 2023.04.28 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT

Do you need to use a DAQ device in Visual Studio and C#?

The purpose is to read and write data using a DAQ device where we use Visual Studio and C#. We will exemplify by using a DAQ device from NI (previously National Instruments). We will use a DAQ device called USB-6008 (which is part of the USB-600x low-cost series). DAQ devices from NI use the NI-DAQmx driver. Examples shown will work on all DAQ devices from NI that are using the NI-DAQmx driver. The principles used can also be applied on other DAQ hardware from other vendors.

Visual Studio/C# and DAQ Tutorial




Raspberry Pi Pico

Published 2023.04.14 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT


Raspberry Pi Pico is a “downscaled” version of the original Raspberry Pi and is more comparable with Arduino compared to the original Raspberry Pi. You also need to use a downscaled version of Python, called MicroPython.

Introduction to Raspberry Pi Pico


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Published 2022.03.08 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT


Modbus Demo Software

The Modbus Demo Software consists of the following Applications; Modbus Demo Server, Modbus Demo Client and Modbus Explorer, which you can use to test your own Modbus system or your own Modbus applications. The Applications is made using the LabVIEW Programming environment. The Applications are available as executable applications, but the source code can also be downloaded.

Modbus is a serial communications protocol. It is mainly used for connecting industrial electronic devices. Modbus is heavily used in the industry today. Many PLCs and other process equipment have built-in support for Modbus.


Below you find some resources:

Modbus Demo Software (YouTube)

Modbus Explorer (YouTube)

Modbus with Practical LabVIEW Examples (YouTube)

Modbus with MATLAB (YouTube)

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Published 2022.03.08 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT


MQTT has become very popular today and espessially within Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) because MQTT is efficient in terms of bandwidth, battery, and resources.

Introduction to MQTT with Practical Examples (YouTube Video):

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MATLAB for Students

Published 2021.08.18 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software


Course Web Site

In this MATLAB course you will learn basic MATLAB and how to use MATLAB in Mathematics, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications. An introduction to Simulink and other Tools will also be given. MATLAB is a tool for technical computing, computation and visualization in an integrated environment. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory, so it is well suited for matrix manipulation and problem solving related to Linear Algebra, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications, etc.

The main goal with this introductory course:

  1. To give a Practical Introduction to basic Programming and Simulation. 
  2. Learn to apply basic Math and Physics knowledge
  3. To learn to use the MATLAB software within these Applications. MATLAB is very easy to learn and use compared to similar tools, so it is a good tool to start with for inexperienced users. When you have learned MATLAB, you may easily switch to similar programs.

The course is based on Flipped Classroom and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) principles. You follow videos, examples and doing practical exercises in your own pace.




Python for Science and Engineering

Published 2020.08.21 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

Python has become a popular programming language, and it is one of the most used programming languages today.

Click on the textbook cover below in order to enjoy this free textbook where you can use the Python programming language for Science and Engineering applications.

Read more (Additional Resources and Download)




MATLAB for Students

Published 2020.08.10 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software


Course Web Site

In this MATLAB course you will learn basic MATLAB and how to use MATLAB in Mathematics, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications. An introduction to Simulink and other Tools will also be given. MATLAB is a tool for technical computing, computation and visualization in an integrated environment. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory, so it is well suited for matrix manipulation and problem solving related to Linear Algebra, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications, etc.

The main goal with this introductory course:

  1. To give a Practical Introduction to basic Programming and Simulation. 
  2. Learn to apply basic Math and Physics knowledge
  3. To learn to use the MATLAB software within these Applications. MATLAB is very easy to learn and use compared to similar tools, so it is a good tool to start with for inexperienced users. When you have learned MATLAB, you may easily switch to similar programs.

The course is based on Flipped Classroom and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) principles. You follow videos, examples and doing practical exercises in your own pace.

Click on the cover image below in order to open the course manual:

Introduction to MATLAB

In part 1 of this course we will learn: The MATLAB Environment (IDE), MATLAB Basics, Vectors and Matrices, Plotting, Scripts (m-files), User-defined Functions, Flow Control (if...elseif...else, while,, etc.

Course Web Site




LabVIEW Programming Guidelines

Published 2020.04.27 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT


Typically engineers often create simple LabVIEW VIs that eventually grow out of control, because they don't have the proper structure and best practices. The solution to this problem is organizing your code and data in a way that enables modularity, readability, and reuse.

Some examples are:

For more details, see the video below.

Video: LabVIEW Programming Guidelines

PowerPoint used in the Video


LabVIEW Programming using State Machine

The state machine is one of the fundamental architectures LabVIEW developers frequently use to build applications.

In LabVIEW software, you can create a basic state machine with a While loop, a Shift Register, a Case Structure, and some form of case selector.

Video: LabVIEW State Machine


Download Code





Published 2020.01.31 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT


ASP.NET is an open source web framework, created by Microsoft, for building web apps and services using the .NET Framework or the .NET Core. We have both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core is the new approach built on .NET Core.


Create your first Hello World Application with ASP.NET Core:

This video is also available on my Youtube Channel (Industrial IT and Automation).


Below you find the new textbook "Web Programming - ASP.NET Core". You can freely download (click on the cover image below in order to open the textbook) it as a PDF file.


Read more (Additional Videos, Resources and Downloads)




Weather System

Published 2019.12.02 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation


A Weather System has been developed for retrieving and monitoring data from a Weather Station located in Porsgrunn, Norway at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).

The Weather Station is located in Porsgrunn (Latitude 59.1386° N, Longitude 9.6555° E), see Google Maps.

Below we see an overview of the Weather System.


The Data from the Weather Station are then saved in different places:


The Weather System is developed by Hans-Petter Halvorsen -


The Weather System is based on a Capricorn 2000ex Weather Station with Weather MicroServer from Columbia Weather Systems.

The Data are logged every 10 minutes, meaning we get 144 meeasurments every day (between 00:00 and 24:00).

This Web Application is programmed by using PHP, HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript and data are stored in a MariaDB Database.

The Data Logging Application is written in LabVIEW. See Figure below. The Data are retrieved from the Weather Station using Modbus TCP and XML Web Service. The data are then stored in the cloud in different ways (SQL Server, MariaDB/MySQL, OPC UA, etc.) and at different locations, such as Microsoft Azure, ThingSpeak, etc.


Below you find a link to the Weather System.


Weather System




Python for Science and Engineering

Published 2019.08.26 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

Python has become a popular programming language, and it is one of the most used programming languages today.

The way we create software today has changed dramatically the last 30 years, from the childhood of personal computers in the early 80s to today's powerful devices such as Smartphones, Tablets and PCs.

The Internet has also changed the way we use devices and software. We still have traditional desktop applications, but Web Sites, Web Applications and so-called Apps for Smartphones, etc. are dominating the software market today.

We need to find and learn Programming Languages that are suitable for this New Age of Programming.

We have today several thousand different Programming Languages, so why should we learn Python? I guess you will need to learn more than one Programming Language to survive in today's software market, but Python is easy to learn, so it it a good starting point both for new programmers and for more experienced programmers.


At University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) we use Python in many different courses, in addition to different Projects, etc. Espesially in the Industrial IT and Automation Master program and in the Informatikk og Automatisering Bachelor program (In English: Computer Science and Industrial Automation) we use Python (and many others like C#, LabVIEW, MATLAB, etc.).


Below you find my latest textbook - Python for Science and Engineering. You can freely download (click on the cover image below in order to open the textbook) it as a PDF file. Enjoy!

Python for Science and Engineering


- This is a textbook in Python Programming with lots of Examples, Exercises, and Practical Applications within Science and Engineering topics like Mathematics, and Simulations, etc. The focus is on numerical calculations in mathematics, science and engineering. Necessary theory is presented in addition to many practical examples and exercises. This textbook is written in LaTeX.

You find Source Code and additional Examples below.



See also my first Python book Python Programming which gives an introduction to the Python programming language.

Python Programming


- This is a textbook in Python Programming with lots of Practical Examples and Exercises. You will learn the necessary foundation for basic programming with focus on Python. This textbook is written in LaTeX using

You find Source Code and additional Examples and Resources below.


Read more (Additional Resources and Download)




MATLAB for Students

Published 2019.08.15 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software


MATLAB for Students

In this MATLAB course you will learn basic MATLAB and how to use MATLAB in Mathematics, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications. An introduction to Simulink and other Tools will also be given. MATLAB is a tool for technical computing, computation and visualization in an integrated environment. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory, so it is well suited for matrix manipulation and problem solving related to Linear Algebra, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications, etc.

The main goal with this introductory course:

  1. To give a Practical Introduction to basic Programming and Simulation. 
  2. Learn to apply basic Math and Physics knowledge
  3. To learn to use the MATLAB software within these Applications. MATLAB is very easy to learn and use compared to similar tools, so it is a good tool to start with for inexperienced users. When you have learned MATLAB, you may easily switch to similar programs.

The course is based on Flipped Classroom and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) principles. You follow videos, examples and doing practical exercises in your own pace.

The course consists of 3 different parts (click on the cover images below in order to open the diffferent course manuals):

Introduction to MATLAB

Contents: The MATLAB Environment (IDE), MATLAB Basics, Vectors and Matrices, Plotting, Scripts (m-files), User-defined Functions, Flow Control (if...elseif...else, while,

Web Site

Modelling, Simulation and Control

Contents: Solving Differential Equations (ODEs), Discrete Systems, Interpolation/Curve Fitting, Numerical Differentiation/Integration, Optimization, Transfer Functions/State-space Models, Frequency Response.

Web Site

Simulink and Advanced Topics

Contents: Introduction to Simulink Combining Simulink & MATLAB (Data-driven Modelling), Debugging in MATLAB, More about functions, More about Plots, Using Cells in the MATLAB Editor, Importing Data, Structures and Cell Arrays.

Web Site




LabVIEW in Automation

Published 2019.08.12 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation


LabVIEW is a graphical programming language, and it has powerful features for Simulation, Control and DAQ Applications.


My new web site LabVIEW i Automation has the following modules:


With my new web site LabVIEW i Automation you will learn the following:

Here you find the LabVIEW i Automation web site.


You find more information about LabVIEW? See my LabVIEW Page

Interested in other Programming Languages?


See also my Industrial IT and Automation YouTube channel.




1800+ Subscribers on YouTube

Published 2019.01.11 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Updated 2019.10.17 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation

My YouTube Channel (Industrial IT and Automation) has reached 1700+ Subscribers! Thank You!

Last month my YouTube Channel had more than 10.000 views. The last 365 days you spent about 416.000 minutes watching my videos.


In my YouTube Channel (Industrial IT and Automation) you find 100+ videos within Programming, Software Development, Software Enginering, Data Science, Industrial IT and Automation.

My most popular video is Introduction to OPC with Examples with 23.000+ views.

Other popular videos are:


You find my YouTube Channel here: Industrial IT and Automation




Python Programming

Published 2019.01.02 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

Python has become a popular programming language, and it is one of the most used programming languages today.

The way we create software today has changed dramatically the last 30 years, from the childhood of personal computers in the early 80s to today's powerful devices such as Smartphones, Tablets and PCs.

The Internet has also changed the way we use devices and software. We still have traditional desktop applications, but Web Sites, Web Applications and so-called Apps for Smartphones, etc. are dominating the software market today.

We need to find and learn Programming Languages that are suitable for this New Age of Programming.

We have today several thousand different Programming Languages, so why should we learn Python? I guess you will need to learn more than one Programming Language to survive in today's software market, but Python is easy to learn, so it it a good starting point both for new programmers and for more experienced programmers.


At University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) we use Python in many different courses, in addition to different Projects, etc. Espesially in the Industrial IT and Automation Master program and in the Informatikk og Automatisering Bachelor program (In English: Computer Science and Industrial Automation) we use Python (and many others like C#, LabVIEW, etc.).


Below you find my latest textbook - Python Programming. You can freely download it as a PDF file. Enjoy!

Python Programming


- This is a textbook in Python Programming with lots of Practical Examples and Exercises. You will learn the necessary foundation for basic programming with focus on Python. This textbook is written in LaTeX using

You find Source Code and additional Examples and Resources below.


I am also working on several other Python textbooks at the moment within different areas such as "Python for Science and Engineering", "Python for Control Engineering" and "Python for Software Development". These textbooks are available as "Early Preview" editions.


Read more (Additional Resources and Download)




LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC Applications

Published 2018.11.21 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT Automation

In this LabVIEW Application I will Control a Level Tank System using different Control strategies:



The Videos below present the different features in the Application:

LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC - Part 1 - YouTube Video

LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC - Part 2 - YouTube Video

LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC - Part 3 - YouTube Video

LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC - Part 4 - YouTube Video

LabVIEW PID + Kalman Filter + MPC - Part 5 - YouTube Video


Read more (Additional Resources and Download)




Programming with Arduino

Published 2018.10.18 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT

I am proud to release 2 new Arduino textbooks. With these textbooks you will learn the basics about computers, basic electronics, sensor and measurement technology and programming. We will also learn how to combine software and hardware and how we can communicate with the outside world using computer programs and create simple prototypes. In these textbooks you will use Arduino to learn these things.

You can download the textbooks for free below:

Programming with Arduino (PDF) (ISBN: 978-82-691106-3-0)

Arduino Programmering (PDF) (ISBN: 978-82-691106-2-3) - In Norwegian


Read more (Additional Resources and Examples)




LabVIEW Application Examples

Published 2018.10.15 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software Industrial IT

Here I will present some LabVIEW applications where I have used the "State-machine" principle to make the LabVIEW Block Diagrams. Using the "State-machine" principle makes it easier to create more complex LabVIEW Applications, it makes it easier to extend and maintain your application in the future. Even for small LabVIEW applications, the "State-machine" principle is easy to use.

Below you can download the code and use it as a template for your own application(s).

Here I will present 2 different LabVIEW Applications:

The LabVIEW Application Examples are presented in the Video below:

The video is also available from my official YouTube Channel:


Read more (including downloading the LabVIEW Code)


See also my pages about Programming and Software Engineering.




Project Management System

Published 2018.08.24 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

With Project Management System (PMS) your Team can easily keep track of the development of your project, from the early beginning to the end of the project. PMS is a modern and flexible Web Application that handles all aspects of your project, from Requirements Analysis, Task Mangement including Taskboard, Meetings (Notice of Meetings, Minutes of Meetings, etc.), Discussions, Status Reporting, Issue Tracking and Management. PMS is the only tool you need to handle all aspects of your Project Planning and Management. I use this tool for all my student projects at the university.

Below you see the start page for the Project Management System:

PMS is well suited for projects developing some kind of software, but it can be used for other projects as well. PMS follows modern Software Engineering principles using features from Agile and Scrum. See my page about Software Engineering for more resources.


Introduction to Project Management System:


PMS is made from scratch using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP and MariaDB (MySQL). See my page about Web Programming for more information about these technologies. Here you can read more about Database Systems. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages where data is typically stored in a database, like MariaDB (MySQL) or SQL Server. Another framework for creating dynamic web pages is ASP.NET. The system is hosted on an Apache HTTP Server, but other Cloud Hosting Services could have been used as well.

Read more


See also my pages about Programming and Software Engineering.




Workless - Personal Work Management System

Published 2018.08.20 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Software

Are you busy and have lots of things to do? Do you struggle organizing your daily work? Workless is a modern Web Application where you can easily manage your personal daily Work.

Workless is made using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP and MariaDB (MySQL). See my page about Web Programming for more information about these technologies. Here you can read more about Database Systems. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages where data is typically stored in a database, like MariaDB (MySQL) or SQL Server. Another framework for creating dynamic web pages is ASP.NET. The system is hosted on an Apache HTTP Server, but other Cloud Hosting Services could have been used as well.

I have created Workless to illustrate how you can combine these techniques for creating powerful and userfriendly Web Applications in short time. See also my pages about Programming and Software Engineering.

With Workless you can:

The main features in Workless are:

Introduction to Workless:




Industrial IT and Automation

Published 2018.01.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Updated 2018.05.22 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Industrial IT Automation Programming

Industrial IT and Automation are important fields today and will be even more important in the future with the new age of digitalization, Internet of Things, data security and the industrial and environmental challenges of tomorrow. Industrial IT and Automation are needed in all kind of industries today and in the future. Industrial IT and Automation are knowledge for the future. The future is now - Let's change it together!

Do you want to study Industrial IT and Automation?

In the Industrial IT and Automation Master Program at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) you will learn about:

You will also work with relevant industrial tasks and exciting projects, here you find examples of previous and ongoing projects.


In the Industrial IT and Automation Master Program at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) we have students from all over the world.


You find more information about the Industrial IT and Automation Master program at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) here: Industrial IT and Automation Master Program

The Industrial IT and Automation Master program is an international study program taught in English open for Norwegian and foreign students.

In addition to ordinary Master program on campus, we also offer a part-time program (4 years instead of 2) (for Norwegian online students only).

Read more




LabVIEW and SQL Databases

Published 2017.11.28 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Industrial IT IoT

LabVIEW is a graphical programming language, and it has powerful features for simulations, control and DAQ applications.

You can also use LabVIEW to communicate with Databases.

In the Video below I show some practical Examples using my LabVIEW SQL Toolkit:

The Video is also available on YouTube


Read more




Machine Learning in Automation Systems

Published 2017.10.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Industrial IT IoT Automation

Machine Learning uses the current Internet of Things (IoT) technology to generate "Big Data" that is analyzed using Statistics, Mathematical Models and Algorithms looking for Patterns.



Machine Learning has many applications and especially within Automation Systems it becomes very useful. The area of self driving cars, ships or so-called autonomous vehicles is in full development.

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Industry 4.0 and IIoT

Published 2017.09.05 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Updated 2017.10.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Industrial IT IoT Automation

Industry 4.0 is the new buzzword for the combination of industry, automation and the current Internet of Things (IoT) technology.



Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is another word for Industry 4.0. You could say that IoT is consumer oriented with applications like Smart Home, Home Automation, etc., while IIoT has more industrial focus and applications. IIoT is Industrial use of IoT Technology.

The term "Industrie 4.0" was first used in 2011 in Germany. Industry 4.0 is also called the fourth industrial revolution.

Read more




Learn Technology and Programming with Arduino

Published 2017.05.18 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming IoT
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It is a great start for beginners, but also for more advanced users.

Here you will learn basic concepts within technology and programming using the Arduino platform.

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Development of Measurement Station for Environmental Public Health Information

Published 2017.04.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Industrial IT IoT

This Environmental Public Health R&D project is a collaboration with local companies and industry in Grenland, Norway. The project is about development and maintenance of infrastructure and data system for gathering, acquiring and analysis of environmental and public health information data for Porsgrunn and Grenland (in Norway).

Here you find an announcement about the project in a local newspaper (In Norwegian):

[source: Telemarksavisa 2017-04-19]

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Technology Videos

Published 2017.04.06 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Programming Industrial IT Automation

Here you can search in almost hundred videos about technology and programming within different topics like LabVIEW, MATLAB, Visual Studio/C#, OPC, Database Systems, Industrial IT and Automation, Software Engineering, etc.

Read more




Industrial IT and Automation

Published 2017.03.22 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Updated 2017.04.21 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Industrial IT Automation

Do you want to study Industrial IT and Automation?

In the Industrial IT and Automation Master Program you will learn about:

You find more information about the Industrial IT and Automation Master program at University College of Southeast Norway (USN) here: Industrial IT and Automation Master Program

The Industrial IT and Automation Master program is an international study program taught in English open for Norwegian and foreign students.

In addition to ordinary Master program on campus, we also offer a part-time program (4 years instead of 2) (for Norwegian online students only).

Read more





Published 2017.03.21 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Updated 2017.04.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen
IoT Programming

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. With Arduino you can read inputs from different sensors, like temperature sensors, etc.

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LabVIEW Basics

Published 2017.03.20 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen

LabVIEW Basics is a set of Video Tutorials explaining the basic functionality in LabVIEW.

Here you will learn to write a LabVIEW Program, The LabVIEW Environment, Controls and Indicators, Data Types, Loops and Plotting, Arrays , Clusters, Case Structures, Formula Nodes, Property Nodes, etc.

Read more





Published 2017.03.19 - Hans-Petter Halvorsen

MATLAB is a tool for technical computing, computation and visualization in an integrated environment. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory, so it is well suited for matrix manipulation and problem solving related to Linear Algebra, Modelling, Simulation and Control applications, etc. With MATLAB Basics you will learn basic MATLAB programming. Here you will find a combination of Tutorials, Videos and Exercises for those who want to learn MATLAB from scratch.

Read more



Topics and Resources

Below you will find more interesting topics and resources


Internet of Things

Industrial IT

Different Topics within Industrial IT

Automation and Control

Control Theory, Control Systems, etc.


LabVIEW Programming


Programming, Simulation and Control with MATLAB

Visual Studio/C#

Visual Studio and C# Programming

Software Engineering

Software Development and Engineering Resources

Database Systems

Database Systems, Structured Query Language

Datalogging and Monitoring

Datalogging and Monitoring Examples


Data Acquisition

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Resources

Technology Videos

Lots of Videos within different Applications and Areas


Courses and Teaching Resources


Research and Development projects

Training and Tutorials

Lots of Tutorials within different Topics


OPC Resources, OPC DA and OPC UA


Overview of Hardware and Laboratory Equipment


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition


My YouTube Channel

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Resources

Web Programming

Web programming Resources


Cloud Services, Computing and Hosting


Modbus Resources


Here you can learn Arduino and find lots of applications

Cyber Security

Cyber Security Resources

Raspberry Pi

Here you can learn Raspberry Pi and find lots of applications


Hardware in the Loop Simulation and Testing


Weather System Porsgrunn


ASP.NET Core Web Programming Resources


Python Programming Resources


IoT Communication Protocol


IoT Cloud Service


NoSQL Database System