Software Testing - Test Execution

Hans-Petter Halvorsen

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Software Testing and Test Execution - This week's highlights


This week we will focus on testing our software:

  1. You should start to Test your Software in the virual test environment according to Software Test Plan (STP). Bugs (and new Features) should be reported and tracked with Azure DevOps as so-called Work Items.
  2. Unit Testing. We will create some Unit Tests in Visual Studio for our project.
  3. Scrum activities and meetings (self-activities within the groups). We are finished with the "Beta" iteration and should start on the "RC" iteration.


Note! Both activity 1 and 2 will be individual activities, so make sure to have your Test Environment ready for use!


Note! Code Freeze: No Programming in Class this week! – otherwise it is easy to loose focus on Testing! Using Visual Studio in class not allowed this week (except when we are using Visual Studio to create Unit Tests)!


For more details, see the Week Assignment.


1. Preparations

2-3h. Main focus: Prepare to participate in class activities. It is important that you are prepared when you come to class. 

Software Testing and Test Execution - This week's highlights



You need the following Software (make sure to install them before you come to class!):

In addition, we continue to use:

PC recommendations - The main tool will be your PC, so make sure your PC is up to date.


Note! In class we will need to use the software mentioned above. Installing software is time consuming! Don't waste your, the group or the teachers time in class. Make sure to install it before class. If you don't have the software ready for class, you cannot keep up with the practical exercises and project work that you should do in class.



Please go through the resources below before you meet in class.


Video: How to create a Test Environment and Deploying a Web App and Desktop App


Video: Bug Tracking and Reporting with Azure DevOps (previously VSTS):

PowerPoint used in Video: Bug Tracking with Azure DevOps (previously VSTS)

Working with Bugs and Queries in Azure DevOps - Microsoft


Video: Create Unit Tests in Visual Studio:

PowerPoint used in Video: Unit Testing in Visual Studio


Video: Create Unit Tests for ASP.NET Core Web Applications:

PowerPoint used in Video: Unit Testing for ASP.NET Core Web Applications


Unit Testing Resources:

Get Started with Unit Testing - Microsoft

Get started with Unit Testing in C# - YouTube Video

Debugging while running Unit Tests - Microsoft



The theory part of this course is "reading material" (it's like reading a novel), so be sure to take a look at some of the textbook resources below, and especially the Sommerville book (or Safari books online book if you dont have the Sommerville book). The main concept in this course is to read the theory at home and they apply the theory concepts on the project.

Software Development Literature


Read the following chapters in one ore more of the following Textbooks below before you meet in class:

Textbook Syllabus
Software Development - A Practical Approach
  • Ch.26 Unit Testing
Software Engineering (I. Sommerville)
  • Ch.8 Software Testing
  • Ch.8.1.1 Unit Testing
Essentials of Software Engineering (Frank Tsu et al.)
  • Ch.10.3.5
Software Engineering (Saikat Dutt, et al.)
  • Ch.20: Software Testing Plan and Test Case Preparation


2. Activities in Class

6h. Main focus: Practice applying key concepts with feedback. Execution and review of the week assignments will be the main focus in the scheduled class activities.


Review: Review of the Software Test Plan (STP) and Virtual Test Envionment. Delivery: Deliver STP in Teams + Printed copy of the STP. Test Planning and Test Environment: Fill out and deliver the Forms given in class.


Week Assignment

It is important that you do what's in the weekly assignments. The weekly assignments guides you through the course with a red line with a primary focus on important topics in software engineering and practical implementation of these topics through a large project. The contents of the week assignments are important criteria when it comes to censorship and grading in this course. 

Main activities:

  1. You should start to Test your Software in the virual test environment according to Software Test Plan (STP). Bugs (and new Features) should be reported and tracked with Azer DevOps as so-called Work Items. Make sure to fill out the Form given in class and report Bugs/Features in Azure DevOps.
  2. Unit Testing. We will create some Unit Tests in Visual Studio for our project. Make sure to fill out the Form given in class.
  3. Scrum. See below for more details. Fill out the Sprint Retrospective Questionnaire (Google Forms) Make sure to update the Sprint Backlog in Azure DevOps. Make sure to fill out the Form given in class.


Scrum (self-activities): Each Team should finishing the current sprint and start planning next sprint.

Beta Release:

Sprint Review (Beta Release) - A complete review of all the tasks that should be completed in the Sprint (Sprint Backlog items). 

Sprint Retrospective (Beta Release) - Reviewing the Process for the specific Sprint. What went well in this Sprint? What could be improved? Make Action List (Commitments). 

Sprint Retrospective Questionnaire (Google Forms)


Next iteration - Release Candiate:

Sprint Planning (RC Release) - The purpose with the Sprint Planning is to discuss and select the work items for the next Sprint.



Quiz - Can you relax this weekend? - or do you need to take an extra look at some of the available resources? In order to Pass this Quiz, you need to get a Score >= 70%. You should answer the questions without any aids!



3. Complementary Work

6-7h. Main focus: Finish Week Assignment. Check your understanding and extend your learning. Go through the following resources in order to review and get a deeper understanding of what you should learn in this topic. You may also need these resources in order to solve the week assignment.



Scrum Meetings:

1. Sprint Review Meeting:

The purpose with the Sprint Review is to have a complete review of all the tasks/user stories that should be completed in the Sprint (Sprint Backlog items). On the last day of the sprint, your team meets with your product owner, customers, and stakeholders to accept completed work and to identify new requirements. In this meeting, your team demonstrates each user story that it completed in the sprint. 

Sprint Review Meeting

Sprint Review Meeting


2. Sprint Retrospective Meeting:

The purpose with the Sprint Retrospective is to reviewing the Process for the specific Sprint. What went well in this Sprint? What could be improved? The outcome of the meeting should be an Action List (Commitments): 1. Keep doing 2. Start doing 3. Stop doing.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

Sprint Retrospective Meeting


3. Sprint Planning Meeting:

The purpose with the Sprint Planning is to discuss and select the work items for the next Sprint. You select work items from the Product Backlog into the next Sprint Backlog.

Sprint Planning Meeting

Sprint Planning Meeting



Review Questions - Note! This is mandatory! In order to Pass this Quiz, you need to get a Score >= 50%.

In order to get best outcome, you should answer the questions without any aids! You should also write your answers in your own words using Norwegian language. Don't just copy the text directly from the PowerPoints or the Textbooks, in that way you dont learn anything! When answering the Questions, pretend you are sit down taking the final written Exam. This means you should watch Videos, read the Textbooks, PowerPoints and oher Resources in advance before you start answering the Review Questions.