DeltaV | Digital Automation System

Hans-Petter Halvorsen


DeltaV is Distributed Control System (DCS) used for Industrial Process Control, or as the vendor Emerson refer to it: Digital Automation System.

DeltaV v14 is the latest version.

Below you see one if the DeltaV systems available at the university (University of South-Eastern Norway -



Traning Resources:

Temperature Control with DeltaV using PID

Temperature Control with DeltaV using MPC

Level Control with DeltaV using MPC

2-Tank Sytem Control with DeltaV using MPC

DeltaV Tutorial (Air Heater Control)

DeltaV Tutorial (Level Control)



Air Heater: Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4, Video5, Video6, Video7



Below you find DeltaV Projects carried out at the university (University of South-Eastern Norway -

Beer Production on a Pilot Plant using the Emerson DeltaV Control System (2018)

Model Predictive Control using DeltaV of the Quadruple Tank Process (2016)

DeltaV Prosessautomasjonssystem + Appendices (2014)

Model Predictive Control using DeltaV (2014) - Final Report is classified.

DeltaV Prosessautomasjonssystem (2012) + DeltaV Tutorial (Air Heater Control) + DeltaV Tutorial (Level Control)

Sensor datafusjon med DeltaV – Integrering av trådløse og trådbaserte sensorer for fjern- overvåkning og styring (2012)

Utvikling og prosjektering av laboratorium med prosessmodell (2012)

System Integration of Wireless Technology in a DeltaV system (2011)

Ombygging av mobil flerfaserigg til stasjonær flerfaserigg (2011)

Utredning av Høgskolens prosesstyringssystem - DeltaV (2010)

Styring av to prosesser med DeltaV + Appendices (2009)

Additional Resources

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